Like me and have 500 plastic eggs that just sit collecting dust 364 days out of the year? Grab a bunch and bring them to school to do a fun egg hunt with task cards! This Spanish review activity can be done inside the classroom or even better, outside in the fresh air!
Need some task cards to do this activity? Click HERE for a FREE set of task cards for SER and adjectives!
- Before class starts, take a task card set and sort them into as many piles as you have different colors of eggs. You can either sort them so there is an even amount of work required for each group or use this as a great opportunity to differentiate. You will need an even number of eggs for each color (8 pink, 8 purple, 8 blue, etc.). I like to use 8-10 of each color.
2. Once the eggs have been stuffed and hidden, divide students into as many teams as you have colors and give them instructions. Tell them they need to find all the eggs of their color, open them up, and work together to complete each task card on a separate sheet of paper. A separate sheet of paper is necessary because they will be turning in their answers and the cards will get reused.
3. Once everyone understands, assign each team a color. I highly recommend not telling them their colors until RIGHT before the hunt begins or else you will have students looking early and not paying attention to instructions. That color is the color of eggs they need to find.
4. Have students check their answers after all the eggs have been found and task cards completed. I like to project the answer key so students can self-check. Then they write the number they got correct at the top and turn it in.
5. Once they have turned in their sheet, I let them put the task cards back in the eggs and hide them for the next class. Give them some guidelines so they donβt make them absolutely impossible to find or put them all in the same area.
6. After class, I can quickly scan their answer sheets to see if the class is understanding whatever the task cards were about and adjust the next dayβs lesson. Itβs a really fun formative assessment!
Want more fun ideas like this for using task cards in Spanish class? Click HERE and HERE to read about two more!
I hope this Spanish review idea helps! If you enjoyed this post, I would love it if you would pin it so others can enjoy it, too! 👇🏻 Thanks and have a great day!