

Fun Spanish Class Virtual Meeting Activity for Halloween

Everyone loves a good guessing game, but a guessing game in Spanish WITH costumes? That sounds so fun! Give your students a ton of speaking, listening, and comprehension practice with this activity you can do in your Spanish class virtual meetings on/near Halloween. The idea is that students wear Halloween costumes to class and leave their cameras off. Then, one at a time, students give clues to their classmates in Spanish about their costumes. Their classmates take turns guessing before the student giving the clues ultimately turns on his/her camera to reveal the costume. Kids will LOVE this activity!

Here is how you could do it:


  1. Ask your students to find a school-appropriate (!!) Halloween costume they can wear to their Spanish class virtual meeting.
  2. Have them write 3-5 sentences to describe their costume. Encourage them to use words they know instead of looking up complex vocabulary words in the dictionary that no one in the class will know. That doesn’t make the game fun for anyone.
  3. Depending on the level, you might want to consider providing some sentence frames and examples for the clues.


  1. Send students a reminder that they should be in costume and their cameras should be off when they enter the classroom. Also, remind them they need to bring their clues with them. Eek! The fun is about to begin!


  1. Make sure cameras are off as students enter the classroom.
  2. Instruct students that they need to be quiet until ALL the clues are given. No fair blurting out guesses early.
  3. Randomly call on students one at a time to read their clues. Once all the clues have been given, encourage the other students in the class to make guesses. Once an adequate amount of time has been given for guessing, have the clue-giver turn on his/her camera to reveal the costume.

Have a fa-boo-lous Halloween!

Looking for other ideas for distance learning? Find over 30 free resources and ideas here!

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