Teaching the verb JUGAR in your Spanish class? Here are some of my favorite activities for JUGAR!
Self-checking AND self-grading? YES, PLEASE! If you are looking for a fun, interactive digital activity for your students to practice the verb JUGAR in the present tense, these no-prep Spanish Boom Cards for JUGAR are just what you need! Students will be engaged and get a great review of JUGAR and sports vocabulary in Spanish as they work their way through the 50 cards in the deck.
See how fun they are for yourself by clicking the preview below to play a few cards!
Preview this deck HERE. Buy it HERE.
Task cards are such a fun, versatile tool. These Spanish task cards for JUGAR have 48 cards to get your students up and moving while practicing the verb JUGAR. More than just fill-in-the-blank cards, this set has a variety of tasks to help your students with this tricky irregular verb. Students will be engaged as they complete various tasks like conjugating JUGAR, filling in the blank with the correct form of the verb JUGAR, choosing the correct translation from options given, fixing the errors in sentences, and answering questions like “¿Juegas al fútbol?” in complete Spanish sentences.
Not sure how to use task cards in class? 15 ideas are included! You can also check out these blog posts I wrote for Secondary Spanish Space: 10 Task Card Ideas for Spanish Class and 5 (More) Ways to Use Task Cards in Spanish Class.
Click the image below to learn more about these task cards.
These JUGAR digital task cards for Google Slides are for anyone looking to reinforce students’ understanding of JUGAR with a ton of great practice. Students will be engaged and get a great review of JUGAR as they work their way through the 50 interactive Google Slides in each set.
Students will be engaged in activities like:
- drag and drop conjugation chart for JUGAR
- filling in the blank with the correct form of JUGAR
- finding the errors in sentences and correcting them
- multiple-choice questions
- answering questions like “¿Qué juegas?” in complete sentences
Click the image below learn more about these Google Slides.
Save over 40% on all my fun Google resources for Spanish class with the Spanish Google Activities Mega Bundle.
Looking for a super fun, NO PREP activity to review the irregular verb JUGAR in the present tense with your Spanish students? Play this Jeopardy-style trivia game with them! Students will get a great review of the verb JUGAR and Spanish sports vocabulary while playing this game. Students will be engaged as they work in teams to answer questions in the following categories: Conjugation, Fill in the blank, ¿Dónde está el error?, Translation, and Un Poco de Todo. In addition to the traditional point value questions that start at $100 and get increasingly more difficult as students work their way up to the $500 questions, there is also a fun ‘Make a Wager’ bonus option for each category that is like Final Jeopardy.
How I like to play:
I put students in teams of 2-3 (three is ideal) and have teams sit together facing the board. Each team needs a mini-whiteboard, dry erase marker, eraser (a tissue works, too), score sheet, and writing utensil. Have one person on the team be the scorekeeper and a different person be the mini whiteboard writer. The scorekeeper needs to write all the group members’ names on the sheet. Once that is done, I ask the class who has the next birthday (or last birthday, is tallest, etc.) and that person gets to choose the first square. From there I go around the room calling on one person from each group until every student has had a chance to pick a square.
When playing, EVERY team answers the question by discussing quietly as a group and writing the answer on their mini whiteboard. I make sure they keep their answer hidden until it is time to share. Once I think all the teams have an answer (or it has been a reasonable amount of time), I give a ”tres, dos, uno” countdown and teams hold up their mini-whiteboards. I then reveal the answer on the screen and points are awarded to the teams who get it correct. Teams are responsible for keeping track of their own points on their score sheet. Honor system!
I play like this so all teams are engaged and getting a good review, not just the one team who picked the question.
Every five questions or so I have students pass materials one person to the left so all students get a chance to keep score and use the ever-popular mini whiteboards, thus no one can ”check out” or be lazy. I find it builds student confidence, too.
Click the image below to learn more about this trivia game.
Love super fun, no prep digital activities? If so, then you will love this JUGAR mystery picture! Your Spanish students will get a ton of practice with the verb JUGAR in the present tense, and a dose of culture, as they answer a variety of questions in Google Sheets. Best part? Pixel art activities are self-checking! If a student’s answer is correct, part of the hidden picture of legendary Puerto Rican baseball player Roberto Clemente will be revealed. If a student’s answer is incorrect, the picture will not change. That lets the student know he/she needs to try again. The instant feedback really helps students improve their skills! They love mystery pictures and so will you!
Click the image below to learn more about this mystery picture.
Save 20% on all my digital mystery pictures with the Digital Mystery Pictures Mega Bundle.
Are your Spanish students struggling with reading comprehension and JUGAR? You need this no-prep digital mystery picture! Your Spanish students will improve their reading comprehension skills, and build their confidence, as they read a passage full of JUGAR and answer a variety of questions about what they read.
This Spanish activity is self-checking! If a student’s answer is correct, part of the hidden picture will be revealed. If a student’s answer is incorrect, the picture will not change. That lets the student know he/she needs to try again. The instant feedback really helps students improve their skills! Students love trying to guess what the picture is as they complete the activity. Hint: it has to do with the story!
Click the image below to see it in my shop.
Save 20% on 50+ reading comprehension mystery pictures with the Reading Comprehension Mystery Picture Mega Bundle. See it HERE.
Make reading in Spanish class fun with these reading activities for the Spanish verb JUGAR! There are three print-and-go activities to go along with the comprehensible reading passage for you to choose from: task cards, a crossword puzzle, and worksheets. Talk about an easy Spanish sub plan!
Self-grading? Yes, please! This digital JUGAR assessment created in Google Forms is self-grading, editable, AND no prep! In addition to using this for a quiz or test, you can also use a Google Form for an exit ticket, formative assessment, choice board, make-up test for absent students, intervention, or about a million other things!
Click the image below to learn more about this Google Form.
Save 25% on all my Google Forms with the Spanish Google Forms Mega Bundle.
Save 20% on all these fun JUGAR resources with the JUGAR Activities Bundle! Click HERE to see it.
I hope these ideas for teaching JUGAR help! If you enjoyed this post, I would love it if you would pin it so others can enjoy it, too! Thanks and have a great day!
Looking for even more ideas? You might also like these posts: SER Activities for Spanish Class and Present Tense Activities for Spanish Class.